Welcome to
First Presbyterian Church of Taymouth
Celebrating 155 years 1868-2023
“God is light; In him there is no darkness...”
[1 John 1:5]
Our Vision
Coming together and growing as a community of believers, glorifying and always being refined by God, reaching out in grace and love to the world.
Our Mission
First Presbyterian Church of Taymouth is a community of grace and love in which each person’s gifts, talents, and skills are welcomed and valued. We are a household of faith, a people gathered together to worship God, proclaim God’s salvation, and to experience an eternal relationship with God.
In Response,
We listen for and minister to the spiritual, emotional, intellectual, and physical needs of those in our congregation and the wider community, using the assets God has given us.
We nurture persons to become Christian believers and Christian believers to grow in their relationship with Jesus, and to be connected in community through worship, study, fellowship and Christian service.
We hear and share the Word and seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit, while working and praying for people to experience healing, reconciliation and transformation.
Community rummage sale
September 30th: 9am-7pm
October 1st: 9am-5pm
Calling all amateur treasure hunters! Once again we're hosting our annual rummage sale. After skipping last year we're expecting an even bigger on than 2019. You name it, and we'll probably have it.
Donations accepted from September 26th - 29th
Camp Out and Movie Night
Drive in and enjoy this evening of fun in the outdoors. October 8th, we're having our annual camp out and movie night all in one go! Join to have dinner or stay the whole night.
Pack your warmest clothes, your own chair, and a dish to pass. For this night of fun!
TODAY: 9:30 a.m. Worship
10:15 a.m. Dinner Committee
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:15 a.m. Youth Group
10:15 a.m. Member Care
10:30 a.m. Sunday School.
SUN: 10:15 a.m. Missions
Newsletter: Newsletter Items are due May 18th.
LAWN MOWING: Thank you to everyone who has signed up. We are currently filled through July! Keep up the good work!
HOPE & CARE BAGS: Mission Commission will be collecting items to fill 25 Hope & Care Bags to be delivered to the Saginaw City Rescue Mission to be used as a welcome gift and an ice breaker for each new guest.
Bags typically include items such as: body wash; shampoo; shaving cream for men and women; tooth paste and brushes; hair brushes and combs; a towel; a washcloth; nail clippers, a nail file; tissues; and/ or masks.
All items are requested to be full-sized. We are asked to not include aftershave or mouthwash due to the alcohol content.