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Our Church's History

First Presbyterian Church of Taymouth was founded on October 24, 1868, in Birch Run, Michigan. A meeting was held at the white schoolhouse in Taymouth to form a Presbyterian church. The Presbytery was represented by three ministers. The Rev. Archibald McSween preached a sermon. The church was organized as the First Presbyterian Church of Taymouth with 25 members. They adopted the Article of Faith and Covenant of the Saginaw Presbytery. Services were held in the schoolhouse for several years. In 1871, a building committee was appointed for a new church. The members were D.M. Cook, John Farguharson, Gideon Horining, William A Stuart, William McGregor, Thomas Reid and Andrew Leach. There was a period of nine years before the church building was ready for use. A bill for 10,384 feet of lumber and 30,000 shingles amounted to $127.15. The land was donated by Eben Naismith. Originally, there were two side aisles and no middle aisle. A reed organ sat on the front platform to the left with the choir seated nearby. The pulpit was in the center with three special chairs behind.At first the church received lighting from kerosene lamps. Later a Delco plant was installed and electricity was available in 1930. The church was heated by two stoves with a chimney at each side. Later there was one large stove at the rear of the church. Church seats were rented in the 1880’s. The first six rows rented for $1.50 per seat; the next three rows rented for $1.25 per seat; the rest of the seats rented for $1.00. In 1882, the Ladies’ Aid Society had collected money for the church bell. The trustees voted that the bell should weigh at least 300 pounds. A plan for the manse was presented. It should cost no more than $500. The building committee members were John Smith, Thomas Reid and Eben Naismith. The first manse was finished in 1887. A row of sheds for horses was also built behind the church. In 1892, the plastered walls were covered with wood paneling by Joe Phillips at a cost of $125. In 1922, the basement was built under the church. The horse sheds were torn down and the hall was built on the back. The cost was $4,200. To help raise money for these improvements, the men rented some land and planted beans which were sold. In 1932, the platform in the front of the sanctuary (chancel area) was extended with the new pulpit at the left and the organ at the right. Windling Hastings did most of the work himself. Carpeting was purchased by the Recreation Society. Mr. Carl Codding made the communion table from walnut furnished by several church families. In 1933, “The Light of the World” was painted by Mrs. Rachel Johnson of Birch Run. Expenses were paid by the Recreation Society. In 1940, the stained glass windows were installed as memorials for various families and the front entrance, as it is now, was built. During the 1950’s, a new organ was purchased, oil furnaces were bought for the basement and hall; the choir room and lavatories were given by Mr. Joseph Bell as a memorial for his sisters; a new cross was put on the steeple; the little manse was completed; a church newsletter was established; and in 1958 the 90th anniversary of the church building was celebrated. In the 1960’s, a garage was built for the little manse; a new PA system was installed; the parking lot was paved at the cost of $6,145; a new roof was put on the church; new pews were purchased; bought a bus for transporting both children and adults; and the church received a generous donation from Mr. Joseph Bell which was later used to purchase additional land and build the new manse. The new manse was completed in 1977. In the 1980’s, the church was insulated, and storm windows were installed; started a junior choir; received the memorial book and stand in memory of Richard Leach Sr.; senior choir got new robes and stoles; elected a building committee and hired a fund raiser from General Assembly to assist with the renovation fund raising; and the 100th anniversary of the church building was celebrated.

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